CFO Service
Do you hate looking at your numbers and trying to work out how to improve?
Ten years ago, Adiren built a unique Forecast Tool and deployed it to every client. Our clients loved the tool’s insights, but most of all the specific business improvement tips they received each month when reviewing the tool with Troy. Implementing those tips drove improved business results. Clients started referring to Troy as “my part-time CFO”.
In 2020, the tool has now been upgraded to the “CFO Dashboard”. Our major differentiator is we don’t just explain your financials as we review the CFO Dashboard with you – we tell you specific actions to take to improve your business.
We offer the CFO Dashboard + part-time CFO coaching as a subscription service:
- 9-category P&L structure
- Reports auto-input from QuickBooks
- Forecast Tool with “what-if” capabilities
- Net Worth, Profitability, Seasonality and Cash Flow insights
- Key Metrics to follow
- Findings and recommendations for success (“Actions”)
- Monthly coaching call with your Part-time CFO
SUBSCRIBE NOW to resolve a critical gap we see in every small business
” I did find someone about a year ago that has helped me and mentored me tremendously, and set up a lot of processes and systems that I have been able to make great progress with. So the last 18 months or so has been phenomenally different in terms of my CFO skills.”
Laura Zander, Jimmy Beans Wool
Listen to the full episode at:
21 Hats podcast, Episode 1